Contemplative games are always a bit tough to review as I’ve found that where you are in life and what challenges you’re currently facing (or have faced in the past) tend to drive the appreciation of the stories and ideas they’re trying to share. No Longer Home definitely falls firmly into this category, on the surface being a point-and-click adventure, but really being far more about two friends at a crossroads in their lives on multiple levels. The more you identify with their struggles and their thoughts as the story unfolds, the more you’re likely to appreciate the whole experience. However, if you remove that affinity from the equation, and don’t identify with their fears as they try to figure out how to move to the next stage of their lives, the more the picky and somewhat unsatisfying trial and error clicking about trying to advance the story will be. This is definitely a better story-driven experience with a message as a whole than a game, so the degree to which you’ll appreciate or enjoy it will likely vary wildly from person to person.
Justin Nation, Score:Good [7.0]