Ahh, the classic run and gun… it’s a timeless arcade-style staple that has been around forever. So the challenge when making one in the modern day is how to make it stand out and feel different, with many titles not opting to do too much to buck the system and simply going with something a bit more flashy or adding a few minor bells and whistles. For all of its minimalism in its look and general style of play, One Gun Guy actually makes a fair effort to be different, opting for a path that involves a little more platforming than the norm, plenty of secrets, no broken down levels (you just keep going… though this isn’t necessarily a plus), and a power-up system that doubles as your health that heavily incentivizes you not to get hit. While it isn’t perfect by any means the result is just something that feels both familiar and a bit different at the same time, especially when you’re all juiced up and pulling in coins with your magnet and kicking ass a little easier. As you take hits and continue to lose gear and powers you quickly begin to miss what you’d had, and at the bottom rung you can feel some desperation as you simply try to hold on with only the bare bones move set to work with. While it may lack a bit in polish it’s a better-than-expected budget experience.
Justin Nation, Score:Good [7.5]