Oxide Room 104 Logo
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Oxide Room 104

Publisher: Wild Sphere

  • Price: $24.99
  • Release Date: Jun 17, 2022
  • Number of Players: 1
  • Last on Sale: -
  • Lowest Historic Price: -
  • ESRB Rating: M [Mature]
  • Oh, horror games on the Switch, how you can be so frustrating at times. With Oxide Room 104 there’s good news and bad news. The good news (perhaps great news, considering how often games in this space have been very constrained when it comes to any actual violence and grossness) is that if you’re looking for something that delivers some gnarly violence and genuine WTF moments, this game has you covered. The less great news is that, admittedly consistent with many of its peers, the mechanical gameplay of it all is pretty generic and consists of you simply needing to check every object, nook, and cranny of every room you go into in order to find what you need to proceed. Sure, this isn’t so unusual to find in pretty much any adventure, but being in a first-person perspective and using a pretty sensitive pointer to aim at anything you want to activate can be more tedious and aggravating than it should need to be. All said, the experience isn’t terribly long (very dependent on where and how many times you may get yourself stuck) but if you’re feeling the need for something a little more ghastly as we move into summer, with Halloween so far away, it may be just what you need to get that vibe going early this year.

    Justin Nation, Score:
    Fair [6.3]

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