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Pharaoh's Secret

Developer: Vikalb

  • Price: $14.99
  • Release Date: Oct 1, 2024
  • Number of Players: 1
  • Last on Sale: -
  • Lowest Historic Price: -
  • ESRB Rating: E [Everyone]
  • Watch this review on YouTube
    An more action-oriented take on what’s ultimately a puzzle game

    When it comes to puzzle games, the Switch has a ton of them. Ranging from box pushers, to hidden objects, to more active fare, if you prefer a certain flavor, the system probably has you covered. One type that has been around forever is the puzzle platformer, though what form that can take tends to vary. 

    In the case of Pharaoh's Secret, there’s absolutely an action component to completing most levels, but in the end this is a puzzler where you’ll need to work out what path your explorer will need to take in order to successfully reach the exit without losing his life to a variety of threats. Whether these take the form of typically simple platforming challenges where you’ll need to carefully hop between platforms or avoid things like fireballs, or dispatching mummies or other creatures roaming the hallways in the pyramids you’re exploring, there’s generally at least a bit of variety to keep you occupied. The challenge is that pretty well everything you’ll need to defend yourself or progress through the stage will need to be picked up on the way, and so success ends up all being about the route you choose to take.

    In the end, the game is nicely themed, and plays well enough… but it also isn’t terribly exciting or inspired. I do appreciate the overall look, which feels somewhere between the classic PC days and the 16-bit console era. The variety of items you’ll find and use can also be fun, at least for the first few times you use them. That said, there can be a sense of overall repetition that makes it decent to pick up and play for a while, but isn’t likely to keep you excitedly coming back for more.

    Justin Nation, Score:
    Fair [6.8]

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