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Pirates on Target

Developer: Ratalaika Games

  • Price: $4.99
  • Release Date: Oct 6, 2023
  • Number of Players: 1
  • Last on Sale: -
  • Lowest Historic Price: -
  • ESRB Rating: E10+ [Everyone 10+]
  • At a budget price this ricochet puzzler offers very little variety or flair, but could be a diversion for the right crowd

    Getting into the budget space I suppose games that are kind of “one-trick ponies” are at least a little more excusable even if that also tends to make them feel incredibly niche. Pirates on Target falls into this space, simply offering level after level of puzzles that will require you to reposition boxes in order to get cannon fire to bounce off of them and eventually hit a pirate ship to make it sink. There’s no action, only a slow progression of new elements added as you go, and to be honest after a while even as you can see a steady increase in complexity that still doesn’t really ever make it particular thrilling or feeling rewarding when you progress. It more just feels like you locked into what was needed on the particular stage and then you get to do more. The game itself is very nonchalant about your success and presentation in general, which does nothing to help the very low-energy feel of the whole affair. I suppose there aren’t too many puzzlers I’ve encountered on the Switch in this very simplistic vein, but I can’t imagine a very wide audience yearning for it either.

    Justin Nation, Score:
    Fair [6.4]

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