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Puzzle Galaxy

Publisher: naptime.games

  • Price: $0.00
  • Release Date: Jul 22, 2022
  • Number of Players: 1 - 2
  • Last on Sale: -
  • Lowest Historic Price: -
  • ESRB Rating: E [Everyone]
  • This review falls under the challenging category of games that you can download and try out with some limited content for free, but that require the purchase of DLC packs for more. To exacerbate things, though, it’s really merely a jigsaw puzzle simulation where you’re able to pick how many pieces you’d like an image to be broken down into and then work through reassembling them. As these sorts of games go it actually does a pretty good job on all fronts but there’s no mistaking that this also has an exceedingly simple design that’s targeting a pretty small niche of either people who love puzzles but not in a tactile form or for simply younger gamers who are learning the ropes. With that in mind it delivers what it promises but it’s also quite a minimal effort.

    Justin Nation, Score:
    Bad [5.2]

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