If you’re unfamiliar with the Escape Room series, or escape rooms in the real world, the intention is to generally present you with diverse and pretty challenging puzzles, typically spanning a number of disciplines, that you’ll need to solve in order to make your way out of the area you’ve found yourself trapped within. Each of these games has had its own setting, and while the factory assembly line environs in this title may seem a bit generic more often than not I think that helped work to this iteration of the series’ advantage. Whether the puzzles themselves were a bit simpler, or I was simply able to latch on to the clues peppered around the area more easily, each puzzle presented to me felt solvable and more often than not careful observation of the environment tended to provide all of the clues I needed for success. Granted, this isn’t a series that’s really evolving or even iterating, but the core experience is still a solid one, especially if you haven’t partaken of any others in the series yet.
Justin Nation, Score:Good [7.5]