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Retro City Rampage DX

Developer: Vblank Entertainment

Publisher: Vblank Entertainment

  • Price: $14.99
  • Release Date: Aug 3, 2017
  • Number of Players: 1
  • Last on Sale: Jan 9, 2025 [$3.49]
  • Lowest Historic Price: $3.49
  • ESRB Rating: T [Teen]
  • Your options for play will consist of the Story Mode, where you’ll go through a series of both required and optional missions to collect pieces of a time machine (among other things) to advance the story along. That’s not to say there aren’t a ton of things that you can do to get yourself off track though as temptations are everywhere from simply deciding to plow into a bunch of pedestrians and then try to lose the cops or by finding one of the spots that will throw you into a more arcade-like mode with an objective usually set on destruction. If you’re looking for a quick fix you’re more likely to want to gravitate to the straight-up arcade mode that will quickly let you choose between the missions you’re unlocked and get right down to the business of trying to get the best score. These missions usually only take a few minutes and are a great way to fill in the blanks of your day. Finally there’s also a Free Roaming Mode where you can simply do whatever catches your fancy within the game world for some fun. At the end of the day this is a throwback 8-bit version of games with more modern sensibilities and it is well-executed. The controls are relatively simple and sensible, the action is varied enough (though usually centered on doing something illegal or insane), the silly references are abundant, and the amount of content means if you enjoy the game you’ll have something to play for quite a while if you want to do it all. If you’ve played it in one of its previous incarnations there’s nothing new here, it’s just on the Switch and probably in the most refined and versatile form it has ever been in. If you’re not into destruction and pop culture call-outs the game also isn’t likely for you. But if you’re in search of something light, fun, and packed with mischief it is a good time, even while showing its age.

    Justin Nation, Score:
    Good [7.5]

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