Rhapsody: Marl Kingdom Chronicles Logo
Rhapsody: Marl Kingdom Chronicles Icon
Rhapsody: Marl Kingdom Chronicles

Developer: Nippon Ichi Software

Publisher: NIS America

  • Price: $49.99
  • Release Date: Aug 29, 2023
  • Number of Players: 1
  • Last on Sale: -
  • Lowest Historic Price: -
  • ESRB Rating: T [Teen]
  • Charming and a bit odd at times, while much of the experience is a bit generic, odd touches like periodic musical numbers help it stand out

    Rhapsody is a bit of an odd duck for me, but one positive I’d absolutely point out is that despite it jumping into a pool that already has quite a number of excellent JRPGs in it on Switch it at least stands out for doing its own thing. An odd sense of humor, and in particular an occasional musical number, really helps to make an impression… at least it did on me, eliciting a laugh every once in a while. Outside of that, things are decidedly a bit more ordinary on the whole, with the story, combat, and most game systems feeling “good enough” but in no way particularly memorable. There are far worse things you could say about games, and for the right crowd the game having its own vibe can be a major plus, but for people seeking out the best the genre has to offer on the system this would be a ways down the list.

    Justin Nation, Score:
    Fair [6.8]

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