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Rob Riches

Developer: Megapop

  • Price: $8.99
  • Release Date: Feb 9, 2023
  • Number of Players: 1
  • Last on Sale: Jan 29, 2024 [$6.74]
  • Lowest Historic Price: $6.74
  • ESRB Rating: E [Everyone]
Rob Riches Images
Rob Riches Images
Rob Riches Images
Rob Riches Images
  • A satisfying budget puzzler that’s visually polished and constantly changes things up, while crucially properly introducing new mechanics

    While, at a glance, you could dismiss this as a mobile game making it over to Switch, this is a budget puzzler that absolutely deserves your attention if you’re a genre fan. First, for its price it simply looks fabulous, with a clean look and plenty of small details that combine to look great. Second, while many games in this space tend to find one or two core mechanics and then stick with them ad nauseum through to the end, Rob Riches keeps pivoting to new types of challenges every few levels, keeping things fresh. The final point, and the one I’d consider the most crucial to my appreciation for it, is that the overall design is very smart. Each new concept starts out very simply, generally doing a great job without explicit instructions of helping people understand precisely how the new mechanic works. From there you’ll get a quick escalation in difficulty for a few levels, forcing you to continue to refine your understanding of how it works while almost never doing so cruelly. You’ll likely run into periodic challenges where you can’t quite figure it out at first, but I found that taking a short break before coming back to it tended to help greatly. I’d consider it to pretty easily be one of the best puzzle adventure-type titles I’ve played on the system.

    Justin Nation, Score:
    Nindie Choice! [8.6]

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