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Rope Hope

Developer: Zakym

  • Price: $8.99
  • Release Date: Sep 26, 2024
  • Number of Players: 1
  • Last on Sale: -
  • Lowest Historic Price: -
  • ESRB Rating: E [Everyone]
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    A very basic exercise in some physics and puzzling

    One of the more fascinating things about the indie gaming space is the diversity of not only the types of games but their scope. Ranging from titles you could mistake for first or second-party affairs all the way down to lone wolf development efforts of various kinds, you’ll run into just about every kind of game imaginable, including relatively simple ones that have their hook and stick with it. That’s absolutely the case with Rope Hope, a pretty rudimentary physics game that isn’t terribly ambitious, but at least satisfies what it appears it set out to accomplish.

    Quite simply, you’ll concern yourself with a ball and getting it across the finish line in each stage, with your primary means of helping it along being specific points that you’ll be able to use to grab the ball and then sling it along. There is absolutely physics at play to consider, and you may want to take a few moments to set yourself up with a little practice to get the hang of it. Once you’ve got the process down to get your ball to go from a full stop to moving along you’ll be set.

    Periodically some new challenges will be added in the form of barriers and some other variations, but in general the fundamentals don’t really change much. You’ll probably want to work on using both clockwise and counter-clockwise movement since in some spots throwing overhand will be a better solution, but with some creativity you can get by most problems in a variety of ways. While it’s unlikely to attract much attention, if you’re into physics-based puzzling it does deliver just that.

    Justin Nation, Score:
    Bad [5.8]

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