With varied challenges in every room it manages a distinct feel, but it also makes for inconsistency
One somewhat surprising puzzle subgenre that has emerged is the virtual escape room, which has come to take on a variety of forms from more practical to a bit fantastical. Landing somewhere in the middle is Seven Doors, which features a series of puzzle rooms you must sufficiently solve to move on to the next. To the game’s credit, the objectives have a tendency to be quite different, so each room can take a moment to acclimate to and understand what the rules may be, but most of the time this works out well. Unfortunately, for me the very first room should have been swapped with another with a slightly more clear way of conveying what needed to be done, hopefully making for a bit less initial flailing and wondering what to do. That happens in a few other rooms as well, but that confusion being paired with your introduction to the experience didn't feel like the best first step possible. If you’re into situations where you’re kept a bit off-balance and must keep moving between mindsets this may be a fair match though.
Justin Nation, Score:Fair [6.8]