This may be one of the more aggravating games I’ve reviewed for the site, where a small number of critical issues have chipped away at an otherwise impressive game. Visually, the game looks great when it isn’t managing to make itself muddy with visual tricks that detract more than they add. The main issue generally ends up being the controls though. Granted, the availability of a twin-stick option, and in how it works, helps a lot. However, there's a lack of fluidity overall that moves the gameplay from being intense to being somewhat stilted with the long axe swipe animation. Then throw on the challenge in understanding what perks or curses you're picking up and their effect and it can be a bit confusing to follow. Skelly Selest has many elements in its corner that help it approach greatness but somehow manages to trip itself up a bit on the way there.
Justin Nation, Score:Good [7.1]