Space Papers: Planet's Border Logo
Space Papers: Planet's Border Icon
Space Papers: Planet's Border

Developer: QubicGames

  • Price: $7.99
  • Release Date: Dec 25, 2023
  • Number of Players: 1
  • Last on Sale: -
  • Lowest Historic Price: -
  • ESRB Rating: T [Teen]
  • Another case of a budget title taking a successful indie formula, dumbing it down, and fumbling the ball

    Papers, Please was a remarkable game when it debuted on the indie scene. As an immigration officer, you were tasked with verifying the identification of people trying to enter the country using a variety of methods that gradually became more complicated. In addition, there was an overarching narrative that would result in one of 20 different endings depending on how you conducted yourself in the game. Several other titles have attempted to replicate this formula, each with varying degrees of success.

    Space Papers follows a similar pattern, but it severely simplifies things to just a handful of identification elements at various stations, while also incorporating some time management elements. The problem is that it lacks any excitement, intrigue, or a reasonable hook, playing out more like repetitive minigames than anything more substantial. To make matters worse, it is also a bit inconsistent and buggy at times, while also being a bit too simple for its own good. This raises the question of who it is intended for, a mystery that will haunt me for far longer than I could tolerate playing it.

    Justin Nation, Score:
    Bad [5.6]

Nindie Spotlight

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