If you’re looking to test your friends and family for coordination in the pits repairing cars, this is a winner
Ever since the release of Overcooked there has seemed to be a rejuvenated focus on well-made co-op games in the market that all seem well-suited to the Switch. Speed Crew absolutely fits that bill, with you and some friends needing to make quick work of incoming cars needing to return to the track, whether replacing tires, banging out dents, fueling up, and more. While this is very similar in its premise to the recent Manic Mechanics, the verdict from the family (having played both) is that this one just had a slightly better flow and vibe. Whereas most of these games can be tackled with people focusing on specific tasks, with this title that didn’t seem to be as viable a plan, so we played everything more fluidly and it worked great. Communication is absolutely key, and if you have a quick shorthand language worked out you can very effectively get everything done in record time. With the layouts changing constantly, the risk of getting run over by cars coming in or going out, and quite a bit of unpredictability in what you’ll need to do for each car this is a rock solid game to enjoy with friends or family, and more on par with the likes of Overcooked in the quality of play (and I’d say a bit more friendly overall to boot).
Justin Nation, Score:Nindie Choice! [8.6]