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For Trek fans who are looking for something more light and casual it may be fun, but its mobile origins are hard to miss
When it comes to simpler games on the Switch, it isn’t uncommon to discover that they’ve come over from the mobile space. Whenever this happens, I’m typically a bit torn on how to feel about them. In some cases, there have absolutely been titles that have benefited greatly from moving over to a system with dedicated controls, most typically action-oriented games since on-screen joysticks are pretty awful. But with other types of games the results aren’t always as clearly positive.When it comes to Star Trek: Legends, given the fact that the gameplay is more in the strategy RPG direction, you can’t really make much of a case for the need for the Switch’s physical controls. There’s no doubt that simply navigating through menus and making battle options would work well with a touchscreen, and honestly I’d argue they’re actually superior. Graphically, while seeing stylized versions of Trek characters from across the franchise can be fun, there’s also nothing particularly taxing about any of it.Another consideration is often how well the game is able to pivot from being a free-to-play mobile game, and whether they continue to adhere to how various systems are set up to move you in the direction of making in-game purchases to help monetize them. In this case the transition wasn’t terribly effective, as the various currency types and resources all feel heavily tied to the mobile side of the fence, and it would have been nice to see the experience a little more streamlined to eliminate some of them and allow this paid game work more smoothly.In the end, I suppose if you’re a big Trek fan, and for whatever reason aren’t interested (or capable) of playing it on your phone perhaps it could feel worthwhile? While the very gacha game element of unlocking new characters can certainly be annoying, I do know that there are those that like the sense of suspense and then excitement when you get someone you’ve been waiting for. Bear in mind, the character building is absolutely on the limited side, as is the game’s strategy as this is meant to be a pretty casual game. In my mind this all would make it better played on the go on my phone, but perhaps some people would prefer the Switch experience instead.
Justin Nation, Score:Fair [6.3]