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Super Dungeon Maker

Developer: FIRECHICK

Publisher: Rokaplay

  • Price: $19.99
  • Release Date: May 3, 2023
  • Number of Players: 1
  • Last on Sale: -
  • Lowest Historic Price: -
  • ESRB Rating: E [Everyone]
  • If you’re a big fan of classic top-down Zelda dungeons, the prospects of making your own and playing them made by others has appeal

    If you’re a fan of the ideas behind, and the implementation of, Mario Maker but have a preference for the classic Zelda dungeon experience rather than platforming, Super Dungeon Maker was created with you in mind. Certainly the idea of being able to both create new dungeons to share and play ones made by your fellow gamers it’s a tempting one. The problem is that, at least in its current state, the best phrase to describe the overall experience is “work in progress”. Now, if you just want to play through dungeons you’re in the best shape overall, but you’d also end up needing to rely on the strength of the creations made by others that are intended to keep the game viable for the long term. If you’re a budding creator, for now it’s unfortunately a mixed bag. The controls are at least passable, though the active way of creating things may not always be the most ideal method. A design mode using the touchscreen would seem to be a much more efficient overall concept, but unfortunately for now isn’t in place. The bones of a great experience, whether you’re on one side of the fence or the other, are here. Just understand if you pick it up now in its current state it’s generally more of a crapshoot, whereas if you give it a bit of time the developers will hopefully get the opportunity to apply a bit more polish to implement it more ideally.

    Justin Nation, Score:
    Good [7.2]

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