Since I’m a fan of both music games and those that have some quirk Tadpole Treble Encore fits pretty nicely into my wheelhouse in general terms. However, it’s where it gets to the details that, though it undoubtedly has a unique approach, I’m a bit less hooked by it in a lasting sense. Though I love the distinctive music and the action generally accompanies it well enough, the game shouldn’t be oversold as a rhythm game first as more often than not the tunes compliment the action in my mind more than they dictate it. For some that actually may be a plus, but whether playing with the joystick or the D-Pad I found my tadpole a bit floaty as I was trying to keep lined up with your pick-ups. Since paths can branch I’m not sure missing elements is a huge deal in the overall scheme of things (unless you’re trying to get top grades and not just survive and enjoy the ride) but while it’s fun to make your way through I don’t see it offering enough satisfaction and precision to encourage returning to hone your scores after you make your way through the modest amount of content it has.
Justin Nation, Score:Good [7.1]