Tales of Graces f Remastered Logo
Tales of Graces f Remastered Icon
Tales of Graces f Remastered

Developer: BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment

  • Price: $39.99
  • Release Date: Jan 17, 2025
  • Number of Players: 1 - 4
  • Last on Sale: -
  • Lowest Historic Price: -
  • ESRB Rating: T [Teen]
  • Watch this review on YouTube
    Walking in as a newcomer I was taken aback by a polished action RPG with a unique style and feel

    While I’ve absolutely enjoyed a number of action RPGs over the years, I’ll admit that with some of them over time I’ve begun to get a bit bored with their lack of distinction from one another. While you could complain that perhaps some storylines have been beaten into the ground, more often its gameplay that can be pleasing but somewhat generic that tends to be the most disappointing. If you struggle with the same disdain for the predictable, Tales of Graces f Remastered may be of particular interest.

    While the story beats may be familiar (if somewhat odd) at times, where the game shines is with its battle system that may be hard to fully appreciate at first, but then eventually begins to bear its fruit once you’ve settled in. There’s absolutely a little bit of a learning curve to battles, and though it’s not because they’re necessarily hard, there is a unique flow to them that may not be apparent at first. Once you get the hang of it though, it can be quite satisfying and this is further amplified by your ability to take pretty fine control over the skills of your party members, and how much you help guide them in battle, versus giving them more generalized guidelines and letting them work on their own. 

    What’s wild is that if you’d just prefer to stick to the story, not encumbering yourself with endless field battles, you also have the power to tune that aspect of play to your liking as well. If you’re down for the grind, the game will gladly indulge you, but if you either aren’t interested in a challenge, or are feeling overwhelmed in battle, the game has an impressive degree of customizations available to tune the experience to your liking. While I have no doubt some other titles in the space have comparable features, the sheer variety of ways you’re able to tune the game to suit your tastes here is impressive and appreciated.

    Though perhaps some may not love some of the game’s story beats and character motivations for trending to being a bit simplistic or trite, for the most part the game’s characters and their chemistry together at least works well here. Especially if you’re willing to take the time to indulge in the optional skits that pop up from time to time, there’s a great effort here to make everyone relatable, and to try to win you over. Pair that with the plethora of customization options, as well as a pretty fine-tuned battle system that can be tweaked to suit whatever taste you may have for difficulty, and this remaster stands out as an engaging option for genre fans on the Switch.

    Justin Nation, Score:
    Nindie Choice! [8.4]

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