Ah, the classic box pushing puzzler, a flavor I’ve become quite familiar with over the years but, and not always for good reasons. The good news in the case of Taqoban is that it appears to be determined to add a bit more to the mix than average, combining in a few other aspects like the ability to shift parts of the stage around as well as a number of elements that can have varying effects you’ll need to take into account. It will certainly give you pause at times and make you think, perhaps experimenting a little bit as well. About my only major complaint about it is that it appears to require you to get all stars on each stage in a group before the next one is made available, or at least it doesn’t indicate how many you need to move on. Getting a “perfect run“ in some cases can be a bit of a pain, especially since the controls can feel a little loose with some interactions, and there’s no room for error if you want/need to ace them all. That said, if you like the intellectual challenge, and don’t mind perhaps needing to work a little harder to move on, it may not be a big deal.
Justin Nation, Score:Good [7.0]