TASOMACHI: Behind the Twilight Logo
TASOMACHI: Behind the Twilight Icon
TASOMACHI: Behind the Twilight

Publisher: PLAYISM

  • Price: $19.99
  • Release Date: Apr 28, 2022
  • Number of Players: 1
  • Last on Sale: -
  • Lowest Historic Price: -
  • ESRB Rating: E [Everyone]
  • When I read reviews for games like Tasomachi I often tend to wonder why smaller-market and indie games in general tend to get reviewed as if they’re competing with blockbusters from genres with a much wider audience. I don’t think there’s any doubt in any reasonable person’s mind that this isn’t a title meant for the masses, not even for the hardcore set… it’s a simpler, more laid back, and generally more contemplative 3D platformer that’s meant to be enjoyed as you relax. Now, that doesn’t excuse some of its shortcomings with controls that can feel floaty, especially when mixed with hitboxes on some objects that feel a bit off. I wish it would have implemented those aspects better. That said, this isn’t a game trying to be Mario or some other more precision-based platformer… it’s more focused on the joy of exploration, discovering new areas and collectables, and generally pushing skill just enough to keep it all from getting too repetitive. While it isn’t something I’d argue anyone simply has to go out and get I’d say that people simply looking for a pleasant and modestly-challenging experience may want to give it a look.

    Justin Nation, Score:
    Fair [6.2]

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