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The Oregon Trail

Developer: Gameloft

  • Price: $14.99 $29.99 (50% Off!)
  • Release Date: Nov 14, 2022
  • Number of Players: 1
  • On Sale Through: Mar 6, 2025 [$14.99]
  • Lowest Historic Price: $14.99
  • ESRB Rating: T [Teen]
  • The educational classic, with a few upgrades of note, remains challenging and more insightful than ever

    Introducing an entire generation (or, likely more than one) to the perils of now-obscure maladies like dysentery, The Oregon Trail was a staple on the computers in every school back in the 80s. I’d seen a variety of remixes and modernizations over the years but had never taken the plunge, now given the chance to check its newest iteration out on Switch I almost regret having waited so long. The game is a good news / bad news proposition, though for people with some nostalgia for the title I’d wager the feelings will be more on the positive side. As for the pluses, there’s simply far more depth here in the variety of characters and their stories that you can explore outside of the main campaign. Add to that a little more variety being present than in the original (not to ignore the rock-solid visuals) and it’s familiar but improved in pretty much every respect. Where it may run afoul for some people is where depth is concerned. Let’s face it, roguelikes and games in that vein that constantly throw new threats and challenges at you for the long haul have spoiled modern gamers. By comparison the encounters and situations you run into here will begin to make the cupboard of ideas feel a bit bare within a few runs. Perhaps for younger or less experienced gamers this won’t be a minus, as familiarity opens the door to improvement and learning from your mistakes, but I don’t think it’s a win for everyone. Whether you have a strong sense of nostalgia for the classic game, or are simply looking for an upgraded version of an educational gaming cornerstone, The Oregon Trail still beckons with promise… and often calamity.

    Justin Nation, Score:
    Nindie Choice! [8.2]

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