While it works for some light shooting missions and minor mayhem, it doesn’t come through with much in the way of polish
As a big fan of the likes of Gauntlet Legends (well, or the originals for that matter) back in the day, co-op action games to enjoy with friends or family are a welcome addition to the Switch library. In the case of Tiny Troopers the focus is strictly on more shooting-oriented play, though you at least get to work with some fun secondary weapons that can spice things up at least. You’ll complete missions, mowing down enemies and completing objectives, then go back to base and upgrade your equipment, your squad (if you’re playing solo), and then go out and do some more. The thing is, it never really crosses into being something really inventive or fun. The pacing is accessible, though a bit slow, the game’s visuals can be a bit on the messy side and lacking in detail, and though you can enjoy multiplayer locally (more people helps, though it does make it a bit easier overall) unfortunately at this point online play still seems to remain DOA. There’s some potential to be had here if your expectations aren’t terribly high, but it’s hard to generate much enthusiasm with it.
Justin Nation, Score:Fair [6.2]