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Ultimate Racing 2D 2

Developer: Applimazing

Competititve Mutliplayer
  • Price: $9.99
  • Release Date: Jan 15, 2024
  • Number of Players: 1 - 20
  • Last on Sale: -
  • Lowest Historic Price: -
  • ESRB Rating: E [Everyone]
  • Watch this review on YouTube
    While loaded with tracks and variety in racing styles, this top-down racer can still be hard to love

    As a huge fan of old-school arcade racers like Super Sprint (and others) that were played from the top-down perspective, I’m always hoping to run into an indie racer that manages to get that formula right on consoles. Granted, there’s the challenge of the analog controllers not being as effective as steering wheels before you even begin, but the mix of the great overall feel with well-designed tracks (some complete with shortcuts) made for a good time. 

    It would be unfair to claim that Ultimate Racing 2D 2 lacks ambition outright. From the sheer number of vehicle classes, with most of them having their own pretty distinct feel of play, to the impressive overall number of tracks available to each, it in no way lacks in content. Having the option to race solo, against friends locally, or against even more online is also a positive to help try to keep things a bit more varied and exciting longer. Sadly, even with all of that in mind it’s hard to ignore some faults.

    First, while I appreciate there being so many options for how you want to play, letting your dictate which tracks are included and much more, the lack of a straightforward mode that you can just load up and tackle quickly and easily can be pretty overwhelming at first. Second, while I appreciate the fact that some of the visual simplicity is likely vital to the game performing well with so many cars potentially on screen, the overall look is still a bit underwhelming overall. Last, while the controls are at least pretty responsive there’s also a certain stiffness to them that takes some getting used to with the controller.

    All things considered, there are absolutely some things that Ultimate Racing 2D 2 does right. I do appreciate the sheer volume of tracks and car classes that add some variety, but the overall execution is still a bit of a letdown in the end. Granted, your options in the space are hardly extensive, but unless you’re willing to deal with some core issues this still may not scratch that retro racing itch.

    Justin Nation, Score:
    Fair [6.1]

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