Viking Heroes V Collector's Edition Logo
Viking Heroes V Collector's Edition Icon
Viking Heroes V Collector's Edition

Developer: Ocean Media

  • Price: $9.99
  • Release Date: Jul 4, 2024
  • Number of Players: 1
  • Last on Sale: -
  • Lowest Historic Price: -
  • ESRB Rating: E [Everyone]
  • Watch this review on YouTube
    Another casual time management game that works, but essentially feels like any other in the space with an art swap

    Having never played what were apparently the first 4 games in this series, I can’t comment on how it may have grown or improved over time, but I’ll take a crack at summarizing this fifth title anyway. Having absolutely played this sort of casual title before, both on a tablet and on the Switch, the good news is that I can confirm it plays consistently with its brethren. Every stage will require you to slowly clear out paths while collecting a variety of supplies, enlisting the help of friends, and general tasks. On a general level anyone can do this with enough patience, but the goal is to do it as efficiently as possible in order to gain all stars for each stage if you like to play that way.

    In order to optimize things, you’ll actually need to carefully consider each stage individually to a degree, figuring out which paths and objectives to focus on first in order to best help you complete everything else efficiently. In general, that will make you want to prioritize being able to add more help, which you’ll do at your home base, but even then if you’re not on top of keeping the tasks flowing, queueing them up in advance as much as possible, you likely still won’t keep up. It all works well enough.

    What may be a problem, depending on your exposure to this style of casual strategy, is that to some degree this feels like any other game of its type I’ve played, just with different trappings overall. Now, it’s true that many casual games fall into this sort of pattern, and I suppose many players may not mind it as long as the game is satisfying enough. In my mind though, without it striving to do and be a little more, it’s hard to get excited about.

    Justin Nation, Score:
    Fair [6.5]

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