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War Dogs: Red's Return

Developer: Mito Games

Publisher: QUByte Interactive

  • Price: $3.99
  • Release Date: Apr 29, 2021
  • Number of Players: 1
  • Last on Sale: -
  • Lowest Historic Price: -
  • ESRB Rating: T [Teen]
  • Let's face it, though the beat-em-up genre got off to a slow start on the Switch the current roster is pretty great and there are a few treats in the pipeline that will make genre representation even better moving forward. So where does a low-budget beat-em-up like Red's Return fit into the picture against some impressively-crafted but certainly higher-priced competition? Weirdly, if you can overlook some faults it actually fares reasonably well all things considered. You'll play as Red, a pugilist who has come home to find gangs and ne'er-do-wells running rampant, meaning it's time to kick some butt. As always, there's hardly a plot to speak of, but moreso than most the game does attempt to put together some narrative, though I'll admit perhaps to its detriment with a lot of words dedicated to roughly the same outcome as most. Also, par for the course, though there is some nuance to developing your character to customize his look and his upgrades there's no doubt on the whole the combat is a bit of a grind. In terms of the game's worst issue, though, I'd say it's the pretty touchy controls for movement paired with visually being able to discern placement of you and your enemies vertically as you try to avoid attacks. Those factors can definitely be a frustration, especially when fighting quick and dangerous bosses, but for a low-budget title there's more attempt at polish and ambition than you'd typically expect and that's admirable.

    Justin Nation, Score:
    Fair [6.1]

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