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Wargroove 2

Developer: Robotality

Publisher: Chucklefish

Competititve Mutliplayer
  • Price: $19.99
  • Release Date: Oct 5, 2023
  • Number of Players: 1 - 4
  • Last on Sale: Dec 3, 2024 [$13.99]
  • Lowest Historic Price: $13.99
  • ESRB Rating: T [Teen]
  • If you’re a fan of strategy games in the vein of Advance Wars, Wargroove 2 makes an outstanding case for your attention

    Typically when an indie studio decides to take on a beloved (though in this case perhaps more on the niche end as their titles go) Nintendo-made franchise, at best they’re fighting for a distant second place. While perhaps you could make an argument for Advance Wars still winning out against this sequel to an already-strong indie upstart, for once indie fans can claim that it’s a neck and neck battle. In terms of things like factions, units, and the campaign I’d say preference will likely come down to personal choices, as while both are similar in some regards they both stake out their own territory a bit. Where I believe Wargroove 2 gets the edge though is with its willingness to push beyond the expected with features and variety, not merely providing for some customization and multiplayer, but going the extra mile as well. Don’t like always playing against your friends or people online? You can play co-op as well. Done blowing through the campaign and are burned out on multiplayer? How about tackling the challenge of a roguelike mode? The developers have really put everything on the table, delivering a bargain in terms of playability per dollar of its pretty humble pricetag, and thoroughly demonstrating that with hard work indies are absolutely capable of treading into AAA space with the right people in place.

    Justin Nation, Score:
    Nindie Choice! [9.2]

Nindie Spotlight

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