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Warp Drive

Developer: Supergonk

Competititve Mutliplayer
  • Price: $24.99
  • Release Date: Dec 1, 2022
  • Number of Players: 1 - 4
  • Last on Sale: Apr 24, 2024 [$6.24]
  • Lowest Historic Price: $6.24
  • ESRB Rating: E [Everyone]
  • While this anti-gravity racer isn’t as intense as hoped, it does make for a decent light combat racer

    While there’s no doubt that the team behind Warp Drive put some effort into giving it a distinctive look mixed with a cool soundtrack, the gameplay itself isn’t quite as “hip” as the presentation would try to have you believe. I’ll admit that starting out I wasn’t terribly convinced this was going to make the cut, predictably feeling a bit floaty with a limited array of weapons to choose from and less of an overall sense of intensity I was hoping for. The good news is that as I won races and accumulated some cash I was able to begin the process of upgrading my ride, and within 2 circuits I was feeling a lot better about things. For me the game’s saving grace is having specials like my favorite that gives you a crystal every time one of your enemies gets hit by one of your attacks. I’ve found that leaving a smattering of mines around the corners does wonders for keeping you stocked up. In terms of how it stacks up I’d say it’s about in the middle, and it gets some things right that others struggle with. Drifting here feels pretty spot-on and the boost it gives you as you come out of drifting is pretty essential. I do wish there was a bit more nuance with things like drafting or other techniques, to add to that, but I suppose keeping things relatively simple works out. I will say that though I appreciate the gravity-defying track layouts to a degree the heavy use of jump points and teleporters kind of detracts from those great designs as you spend a fair amount of time sort of warping between things when being on the track for some sections could have been more exciting. This isn’t the futuristic combat racer I was hoping for, but among its brethren on Switch it’s at least running in the middle of the pack.

    Justin Nation, Score:
    Good [7.6]

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