This earlier sibling from the developer behind Graceful Explosion and Super Crush KO is a twin-stick shooter that certainly distinguishes itself from its competitors with its very specific visual style. It’s not hard to see some similarities in the enemy types between the games, which is somewhat fun, but where GEM has an enormously sort of clean visual style Doomed goes in pretty well precisely the opposite direction. While there’s a certain flair to everything being blown to bits around you the two words that keep entering my mind when reflecting on the play experience are “visual cacophony”. I can respect the design choice this perhaps may have been but where I object to it is based around the fact that it makes surviving in the game tougher than it should need to be for the wrong reason. The colorful explosions, enemy fire, all manner of enemies… it just tends to overload the senses a bit or outright obstruct your view of your ship for just enough time to get you in trouble and take a hit. Perhaps if there weren’t so many varied and great twin-stick arcade shooters already on Switch this could have made a stronger impression but at this point it’s more of an interesting novelty.
Justin Nation, Score:Good [7.0]