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Word Search by POWGI

Developer: Lightwood Games

Publisher: Lightwood Games

  • Price: $7.99
  • Release Date: Apr 12, 2018
  • Number of Players: 1 - 4
  • Last on Sale: -
  • Lowest Historic Price: -
  • ESRB Rating: E [Everyone]
  • What may or may not add appeal, depending on both availability and your preference, is that this game can be played with other people. Whether on the same Switch, over local wireless, or even online you can compete against friends, family, or strangers… seeing who find the most words first. Trying it out against my wife I was roundly defeated, while we both used the JoyCon for control, a few times before I gave in. I attempted to connect for an online match a few times but was never able to connect to someone. While this could be a fun feature since it is dependent both on how widely the game is purchased and then the timing when people may be looking to hook up. Given the overall simplicity of things I’d imagine this would play well, but availability would likely be a challenge so I’d consider the online play feature merely a “nice to have”. All said Word Search by POWGI delivers precisely what it promises: A word search experience that is well-implemented and looks a bit plain but is also very clean. If you think the idea of competing against someone you’ll most likely end up doing this locally, and aside from the JoyCon control being a little more cumbersome than using the touchscreen this works just fine. Of course, I would imagine the appeal for this may be a bit narrow but in particular for more casual parents who are looking for a game they can enjoy on the family Switch this may be a good candidate.

    Justin Nation, Score:
    Fair [6.0]

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