OK, so if you’ve heard of the craze that is sweeping (or, when considering how quickly things come and go, at this point perhaps “had swept”) the Facebook set called Wordle… here’s a version you can play on Switch, you just won’t have to wait a day for a new one. Essentially a word game variation on the classic logic puzzle Mastermind, your goal is to determine a 5-letter word within 6 turns. You’ll guess your word and then the game will give you feedback on whether any given letter is in the word, with some that are part of it but not in the right place and others that have successfully hit the spot. Using those clues and tapping into your own vocabulary you’ll then either find success or failure. In the end, as a game on a dedicated gaming system, it’s a very simple implementation, though at least to the developer’s credit the interface is clean and snappy. The biggest driver here is likely whether you’re part of the Wordle craze and thirsting for a chance to engage with that sort of puzzle far more than once a day, or you’re just someone who enjoys the pacing it provides already or who simply doesn’t know what the excitement is all about in the first place.
Justin Nation, Score:Fair [6.7]