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Developer: Noname Studios

Publisher: Coatsink Software

  • Price: $19.99
  • Release Date: Nov 21, 2023
  • Number of Players: 1
  • Last on Sale: -
  • Lowest Historic Price: -
  • ESRB Rating: E10+ [Everyone 10+]
  • There’s no doubt that in terms of presentation the game looks great, and has distinctive combat, but in terms of overall design it struggles a bit

    There’s no doubt that a common criticism of the games industry as a whole (or any sort of creative media) is that there aren’t enough projects out there that feel creative, but the obvious risk is when you deviate from expectation there’s a risk people won’t dig it as well. Wordless starts out with a bit of a visual bang, featuring colorful landscapes, pretty abstract and very geometric characters, and a fair amount of mystery in terms of the story and what you’re trying to accomplish. What you’ll pretty quickly discover is that combat, in particular, isn’t at all what you’d expect, feeling a bit more turn-based than active but that isn’t to say it’s by any means easy as you’ll encounter tough enemies that will push your limits remembering sometimes pretty complex and quick patterns you’ll need to counter. While I do like the novelty of the combat I’ll admit that its difficulty feels a bit all over the place and perhaps its optional finishing move sort of actions don’t work so well in practice. The other issue I had is the muddled sense of what’s going on, often where you’re supposed to be going (the implementation of the “map” is odd and can lack in clarity), and in the design of the layouts which can leave you meandering a bit too much at times. In the end its being unique helps set it apart, but that doesn’t make it a slam dunk by any means, even for genre fans.

    Justin Nation, Score:
    Good [7.3]

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