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Worms Rumble

Developer: Team17

Publisher: Team17

  • Price: $14.99
  • Release Date: Jun 23, 2021
  • Number of Players: 1 - 32
  • Last on Sale: -
  • Lowest Historic Price: -
  • ESRB Rating: E10+ [Everyone 10+]
  • Having been a follower and fan of the Worms series since it’s humble beginnings I’ve come to expect every title to have the franchise’s well-known humor and strategy. With Rumble the folks at Team17 have made some changes... and I’d imagine they’ll be the source of some controversy for some but a positive step for others. Moving to a more active multiplayer platform shooter, complete with cross-platform (a crucial move to give its online-only nature a chance) support, the crazy guns and occasional comments as you play are both there but the feel of play is obviously radically different. Whether or not people will enjoy this style will vary from person to person but rather than dwell on my middling feelings over the result (the weapons are pretty unbalanced, the learning curve to get better while people already in the groove blow you away is a challenge, and the scale of things doesn’t make this a great handheld play candidate) I will state one major concern: Trying to fight stagnation and always releasing the same thing is a worthwhile battle, no doubt, just this move has taken the Worms franchise from a space it pretty well singularly owned to one chock full of competition. Granted, it has much more style and polish than the majority of its new competitors, but I also think the move diminishes what always made the series unique.

    Justin Nation, Score:
    Fair [6.3]

Nindie Spotlight

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