As a long-time fan of action RPGs from the Secret of Mana to the infamous Diablo I must admit that if the combat is compelling I’m game for consistent action over turn-based strategy. Fitting right into that mold we have Ys Origin, a port of an offshoot of the revered RPG series which may lack in a variety of locales and overall depth but still delivers some surprises and fun. Your choice of character at the beginning carries more consequence than their mere genders as each have different abilities that will make the experience play out a bit differently. From there it is perhaps a little too limited overall in terms of build variety to compete with some roguelikes or a title like Diablo but what you are given to work with is generally tight and responsive at least. As can typically be the case for this sort of title you can expect a fair amount of grinding in spots to ensure you’re powered up well enough to overcome some periodic difficulty spikes but all in all the experience is at least a solid one.
Justin Nation, Score:Good [7.0]