While there are obvious similarities with Pokemon Snap, Alekon distinguishes itself with more freedom and plenty of odd mini games
At a glance Alekon is a bit easy to underestimate, coming to the table with an experience similar to the likes of Pokemon Snap but lacking the menagerie of known quantity creatures people already love. If you give it just a little time and attention though, it turns into quite a bit more. Not only will you unlock new paths and abilities, allowing you to explore new areas and find new creatures, once you’ve done enough you’ll then have the ability to freely walk and explore those same areas that had originally been on rails, truly opening up a very different and engaging experience. Capturing not just every creature well, but also trying to trigger their different moods and activities, is where you’ll sometimes have to be a bit inventive, but it’s fun. Even better, visiting creatures you’ve discovered in the central caverns will provide an opportunity to sometimes complete little quests or play a pretty wide array of mini games as well. With so many there are no doubt stronger and weaker ones, but what really impressed me with Alekon is its ambition to do more and be more than it likely had to. Suited to gamers of any age who simply love discovering new things, Alekon is a leisurely gaming treat.
Justin Nation, Score:Nindie Choice! [8.3]