Billy Bumbum: A Cheeky Puzzler Logo
Billy Bumbum: A Cheeky Puzzler Icon
Billy Bumbum: A Cheeky Puzzler

Developer: Frambosa

Publisher: Bonus Stage Publishing

  • Price: $12.99
  • Release Date: Aug 8, 2024
  • Number of Players: 1
  • Last on Sale: -
  • Lowest Historic Price: -
  • ESRB Rating: E10+ [Everyone 10+]
  • Watch this review on YouTube
    An odd puzzler with a “cheeky” sense of humor to go with a decent challenge

    Being a person with a bit of an odd, and some could say childish, sense of fun, I don’t mind a bit of potty humor. With games that delve into that space there are those that can get a little overboard (Conker, I’m looking at you my boy), and those that use it but with a bit of restraint to simply keep it silly rather than potentially being gross. Billy Bumbum lands right in that spot, using a mildly-animated butt and some fart humor to help add a little extra toot of fun to a reasonably-challenging puzzler.

    Using a mechanic that I’ve seen before in the likes of Gunbrick: Reloaded and a few others, the trick is that you’ll need to move your character, who is a block named Billy, around, and every move you make rotates him onto another side. Starting out, the main concern is to always get to your goal with the side which has his butt on it going inside, but it doesn’t take long for more complexity to be added. Energy beams that can only somehow be deflected by his apparently laser-proof buttcrack will need to be carefully navigated, and as you proceed new wrinkles will continue to be added.

    In the end, the real focus is here on the pretty challenging puzzle play. You’ll absolutely need to backtrack, or even start over, with some regularity as you realize half-way in that the way you’ve got yourself turned around simply will never work out. The need to take into account multiple elements that will complicate matters is nice, keeps things fun, and generally cuts down on overall repetition as there’ll always be something new to get in the way of your success. All that said, it will help if you at least giggle quietly every time Billy finishes a level and “blasts himself off” to the next one.

    Justin Nation, Score:
    Good [7.9]

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