An opening admission (and perhaps given my age this will be shocking), of all the SNES-era games I played in my college years I don’t believe these two were among them. That said, with so many contemporaries and fans out there who I know hold them in high regard I was very curious to check this collection out. Without the rose-colored glasses of nostalgia my impression of them is first and foremost that maybe even moreso than the typical re-released game these are products of their time. While you can quickly get the hang of the rules of play for both you’re really just dropped into playing, and in particular in the case of The Lion King I was a bit baffled at what I was even supposed to be doing at first. Not a big deal, just worth noting. The degree of what felt like cheap design, with the game whittling down your health at times using unfair means, was a bit more annoying but obviously with some repetition you’ll get through it. It’s just a classic tactic for artificially making the game longer I’ve never been a fan of. In the end, these are older games you’ll either embrace as is or find dated in their design and execution. If you hold nostalgia for them this is absolutely a terrific collection, packed with not just the base games but additional version from other platforms and other value added content I really appreciate from an archival standpoint. It’s a solid pair of titles, its ultimate value will very much differ from person to person though.
Justin Nation, Score:Nindie Choice! [8.1]