While not necessarily difficult overall, this hacking cyber-puzzler has its own way of doing things
I’ll admit that the first thing that intrigued me about this title was the name behind the development: MicroProse. Talk about a blast from the past, and it’s exciting to see them around once again. Drop isn’t going to win any awards for its visuals, given the relative simplicity of the node-based play, but that doesn’t mean for its pretty humble price there isn’t something interesting going on with it. Really this is a hacking puzzle game, with you performing a variety of tasks on a network you break into, generally trying to get in, do what’s necessary, and get out as quickly as possible. Whether that’s mapping out the network, grabbing specific information, deleting information and more, each task will require you to pay attention to what you’re doing and maximize your resources to work efficiently. Upgrades will allow you more processes you can execute in parallel, hopping around to keep things moving, or to make those tasks run more quickly. While it’s all relatively simple, the time constraint and pretty active feel as you break into systems and perhaps do something a bit nefarious offers a decent thrill. Overall, this is a refreshingly different take on a sort of action puzzler that sucked me in and isn’t terribly expensive.
Justin Nation, Score:Good [7.7]