Kickback Slug: Cosmic Courier Logo
Kickback Slug: Cosmic Courier Icon
Kickback Slug: Cosmic Courier

Developer: Apriori Digital

  • Price: $11.99
  • Release Date: Oct 26, 2023
  • Number of Players: 1
  • Last on Sale: Jan 3, 2025 [$5.99]
  • Lowest Historic Price: $4.07
  • ESRB Rating: E10+ [Everyone 10+]
  • Using your laser fire as a means to propel yourself makes for a challenge and some fun for the right crowd

    Games that get wrapped up in physics-based play have a tendency to really crank up the degree of difficulty, and while it starts out a bit more easygoing, Kickback Slug will absolutely make you sweat the further in you go. You see, being a slug moving on the ground just isn’t going to work. Fortunately, you’ll quickly find that firing your gun will propel you nicely in the opposite direction, and that’s the funky control scheme that drives the challenge through multiple worlds and even things like boss battles. Keeping your brain consistently engaged and always thinking about the need to control everything by aiming in the opposite direction can be a challenge, likely more for some than others, but you do get the hang of the nuances of the control if you give it a chance. Certainly the further you go the more demanding things get, in particular as you face pretty amped up bosses. Thankfully, the game is pretty forgiving on the whole so if you persist you can generally work out what it takes to rise to every challenge. Its controls absolutely make it a niche action title, but people who like this sort of thing should get a kick out of it.

    Justin Nation, Score:
    Good [7.7]

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