Decidedly old-school in look and execution, it’s the dark and sometimes disturbing nature of the journey that holds appeal
In the indie space on Switch I’ve found there to be quite a wide variety of “horror” games out there. Of course, many people are aware of the more visceral variety of games involving zombies, guns, and intense violence. Then there are all manner of titles that feel more like walking simulators but immerse you in a creepy environment peppered with things to make you feel uneasy or jump. Lisa is a bit of a different animal though, with it’s decidedly retro appearance, side-scrolling nature, and turn-based combat. What it lacks in impressive visuals or things popping out at you it more than makes up for in sheer shock value, nightmarish choices, and often a depressing sense of dread of what may be still to come. It may have a more narrow appeal than most of its competition, but there’s no doubt that it delivers an unsettling experience overall.
Justin Nation, Score:Good [7.7]