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Pixel Cafe

Developer: Baltoro Games

  • Price: $12.99
  • Release Date: Nov 30, 2023
  • Number of Players: 1
  • Last on Sale: Jan 10, 2025 [$1.99]
  • Lowest Historic Price: $1.99
  • ESRB Rating: E [Everyone]
  • A story with some heart helps to somewhat elevate what otherwise is generally another variation on time management

    On a general level I’ve been a fan of food and drink serving time management titles since the classic days of Diner Dash, and I’ve played quite a few in that time. On the positive side I’d say that in terms of fleshing out who I was playing as and making me care (pretty much at all) about them, Pixel Cafe has that as a checkmark in its corner. Beyond that it may be more a matter of taste and just how invested in this sort of play you happen to be. More hectic than the average generic server, but requiring a bit less insane dexterity than something like the Cook, Serve, Delicious series, this actually sits pretty nicely in the middle of the pack in terms of difficulty, and I’d say in general that’s also a plus. You will need to manage more than one spot, keeping up with customers at more than one counter, but reasonably well-implemented controls and skill upgrades you’re able to get the further you go do help to keep your head at least mostly above water if you can be quick and accurate. I’d say fans of the subgenre or who love a charming story and wouldn’t mind some hectic management should have a good time with it, but outside of that, which title in the space is the best would be a toss-up.

    Justin Nation, Score:
    Good [7.9]

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