Super-creative and lovingly animated with hand-drawn and crafted elements, this RPG has a simple charm that works
If there’s one thing I tend to respect most in indie titles that are the passion projects of either a lone developer or a very small group is ambition, and a willingness to put it all creatively on the line. The moment you load this title up, that sense of it being made by someone who is swinging for the fences, making a game that is in all ways distinctly theirs, is impossible to miss. Dabbling in a number of genre feels, from action to adventure to puzzling to RPG elements, the game is a bit all over the place but if you’re patient with it I think more often than not the uniqueness of the experience pays off. This is one of those titles where a look at gameplay will be the only way to grasp what the game is about, still screenshots don’t do it justice and I’m not sure there are adequate words to describe the strange adventure it takes you on. However, if you’re a fan of childhood creativity and fantasy mixed with some great observations of classic gaming tropes it’s a solid and quite family-friendly time, for sure.
Justin Nation, Score:Nindie Choice! [8.3]