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Skeletal Avenger

Publisher: 10tons

  • Price: $16.99
  • Release Date: Nov 4, 2021
  • Number of Players: 1 - 4
  • Last on Sale: Apr 24, 2024 [$3.39]
  • Lowest Historic Price: $3.39
  • ESRB Rating: T [Teen]
  • As a die hard roguelike fan I’m always eager to check out something new in the space, and Skeletal Avenger has some merits that help it at least get off to a reasonably good start. While not visually terribly diverse or exciting, what it does offer up is an approachability you don’t normally find in roguelikes, skewing a little more towards letting you feel powerful before cranking up the difficulty and smacking you down. While there aren’t a tremendous number and variety of weapons and items to work with you can usually get equipped with gear that suits you on an average run, but depending on the whims of the RNG gods you’ll definitely get some runs where it just never comes together. The real issue here tends to be longevity and that’s tied to a comparative lack of real variety as you grind away. Granted, the competition in this space is pretty tough to match, but in the end this just comes to the table as a serviceable roguelike dungeon crawler, not necessarily a great one.

    Justin Nation, Score:
    Good [7.5]

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