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The Holy Gosh Darn

Developer: Perfectly Paranormal

Publisher: Yogscast

  • Price: $19.99
  • Release Date: Sep 26, 2024
  • Number of Players: 1
  • Last on Sale: Dec 6, 2024 [$13.99]
  • Lowest Historic Price: $13.99
  • ESRB Rating: T [Teen]
  • Watch this review on YouTube
    A more foul-mouthed and oddball take on gameplay similar to The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask

    It has always struck me as odd that as much critical acclaim as Majora’s Mask has always gotten over the years, that there haven’t been all that many games out there trying to take a crack at that general formula. Enter the folks behind the unusual physics-based adventure Manual Samuel and the body-part-swapping-and-throwing adventure Helheim Hassle to answer the call. For those who aren’t familiar with either of them, they have a style and sense of humor all their own. Now with The Holy Gosh Darn, you have a very different way to enjoy these elements in what’s probably their most mainstream effort yet.

    You’ll play as Cassiel of Celerity, an angel who is feeling a bit bored with her mundane existence in Heaven. Thanks to a sudden and overwhelming rush of destructive Phantoms who are threatening to destroy everything though, she is tasked with acquiring The Holy Gosh Darn in the hopes of saving the day. To do that, since Heaven is already on the edge of destruction, you’ll need to use a handy device you’re given that will allow you to roll back time. The challenge will be getting to know not just where to go, but also when, and what critical things you’ll need for success.

    Thankfully, though this process can sometimes be frustrating, the game is full of weird moments, silly characters, and some twists and turns you won’t likely see coming. Much like in Majora’s Mask, the bulk of your success will be tied to either discovering clues or simply observing the times and places certain things will happen or will need to happen in order for you to progress. That means not only will you need to be on top of where and when to put yourself, but you’ll also need to move quickly from place to place to keep up with the proper schedule of events. The problem with that can be there are sometimes chatty people around who’ll try to suck you in with dialogue, but you will have the option to (often pretty rudely) cut them off, which can be its own form of fun as well sometimes.

    Pack all of this together and The Holy Gosh Darn is absolutely an odd bird of an experience. I could see where the silliness of it all could be too much for some people, but if you enjoy irreverent humor and surprises the folks at Perfectly Paranormal typically deliver plenty of it. If your typical adventures have been feeling a bit predictable and stale, this may be a terrific remedy to that problem.

    Justin Nation, Score:
    Nindie Choice! [8.6]

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