Totally Spies! - Cyber Mission Logo
Totally Spies! - Cyber Mission Icon
Totally Spies! - Cyber Mission

Developer: Microids

Co-Op Multiplayer
  • Price: $39.99
  • Release Date: Oct 31, 2024
  • Number of Players: 1 - 3
  • Last on Sale: Jan 3, 2025 [$27.99]
  • Lowest Historic Price: $27.99
  • ESRB Rating: E [Everyone]
  • Watch this review on YouTube
    It’s more family-friendly vibe may turn some people away, but it has a pretty solid mix of action, stealth, and strategy

    While I don’t say this too often, it’s sometimes nice when games that feel like they were obviously made with a younger crowd in mind can still demonstrate some decent chops overall. While I can confidently state that I have zero knowledge of anything to do with the Totally Spies show, it doesn’t take much to figure out the gist of it involving a team of teenage gals who are secretly part of a worldwide spy organization.

    As you’d expect, the format of play is that you’ll be assigned a series of missions where you’ll need to infiltrate, identify, and then work to neutralize threats. To do this you’ll need to leverage the skills and specialty gear each of the 3 girls have at their disposal. If you’re able to get some friends or family to join in you’ll each take control of an agent, whereas if you’re playing solo you’ll simply toggle between them, controlling one at a time. 

    Once you’ve been introduced to each of their specialties you’ll then need to work to identify which agent you’ll need in which situation, and work cooperatively to get through a variety of tasks, then typically pulling the others along at some point. If you aren’t paying attention or thinking things through this can be a little more tedious than it needs to be at times, leading with the wrong agent before needing to get another one into place, but in general each of them have useful skills to help keep them out of trouble. Making a mistake generally doesn’t make for too many consequences, so on the whole it plays out in a pretty approachable manner, even for somewhat younger gamers.

    I’d say that for its target audience this likely has everything it should need to be a hit, not just delivering plenty of girl spy power flavor and sometimes silliness, but also reasonably solid play. Sure, if you’re older it may not be something you’d want to have showing up on your friends screens as the game you’re currently playing, but if you’re hard up for something more stealthy and light, it isn’t actually all that bad.

    Justin Nation, Score:
    Good [7.8]

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