While simmy racing and I don’t often get along I can at least appreciate titles that are meant to appeal to folks looking for a tougher challenge. In the past the WRC series has always felt to me like it was on the edge of having the entire package put together but this iteration seems to have really found the right balance quality in all of its aspects to be worthy of attention. Rally racing here will be a challenge to get used to as you’re not just dealing with windy and usually narrow tracks that have no shoulder, but then throwing in weather and surface type considerations as well. Getting the feel of how to make optimum turns will take some investment and early on my tendency to oversteer was also hard to get over. Behind the racing there’s then an entire team management component as well, adding another layer to the experience as you’ll need to be savvy about your personnel in the hopes of making your life progressively easier with new sponsors and refinements in your racing performance. Granted, there’s really no competition in this space right now but if you’re bored with the relatively simplicity of the platforms many more arcade-oriented racers WRC 9 has proven to be worthy of your time.
Justin Nation, Score:Good [7.6]