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Inscryption Icon

Developer: Daniel Mullins Games

Publisher: Devolver Digital

  • Price: $19.99
  • Release Date: Dec 1, 2022
  • Number of Players: 1
  • Last on Sale: Nov 1, 2024 [$7.99]
  • Lowest Historic Price: $7.99
  • ESRB Rating: M [Mature]
  • At its base it’s a deck-building strategy with disturbing vibes, and from there it continues to surprise

    Games like Incryption are always a challenge to review since a key part of what makes them special is not knowing what the hell is going on. On the surface level this is a deck-based roguelike strategy game where you’ll be working against your opponent to outwit and out-maneuver your way to victory using your initially-limited set of cards. You’ll acquire new cards through successful wins and other means, and usually giving you some tough choices to make in terms of how you’d like to play, choosing between resource, support, and attack cards that can then have added special attributes. The thing is, there’s quite a bit more going on here than just that base gameplay, and the discovery and surprises along the way really are core to the game’s unique identity and what makes it memorable. I will say that if you have other platform options the Switch may not be ideal, showing periodic hiccups and even some instability, though given the turn-based nature of things at least this isn’t more than a potential for annoyance generally. Still, if you’re looking for something challenging and genuinely surprising Incryption really delivers on all fronts.

    Justin Nation, Score:
    Nindie Choice! [8.6]

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