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An interesting experiment that tries to determine your personality based on how you decide to play through an adventure
One of my greatest joys in doing this over the years has been discovering games that simply do their own thing in their own way and then defy expectations. While the game’s title does pretty accurately reflect what it does, I also think people seeing it will get the wrong idea from it. This isn’t some sort of survey or test that you strenuously fill out about yourself, instead it’s a game that you’ll play that will then mine the actions you take and decisions you make in order to learn something about your personality.The game itself is somewhat in the vein of a classic side-scrolling adventure, with you playing the part of an android whose creator has apparently died, leaving you to then decide what to do next. At first, it’s hard not to simply fall into typical gaming habits, checking everything, picking anything up that you find, and so on. What you’ll soon discover though is that for the purposes of the test you only have so many actions you can take before it’s over, so rather than playing the game the way you may normally, you'll need to prioritize what you’re interested in. Will that involve making money, helping people, exploring every nook and cranny? That central question, and how you decide to deal with some of the situations you’ll find yourself in, is what will drive your results.With a full run taking somewhere around an hour (depending on how you play), it feels like it gives you plenty of time to define yourself without overstaying its welcome. The story, the characters you’ll talk to, and some of the choices you’ll make, are also interesting in themselves, and in some ways that makes it a pity to not have it all fleshed out further. You are able to return for more playthroughs and get subsequently stronger results, but there will be a sense of diminishing returns once you’re a little too aware of how the game compiles its results. It may not be something you’ll enjoy for a long time, but it’s absolutely an interesting side road to take that could tell you something interesting about yourself if you focus on playing through it honestly.
Justin Nation, Score:Nindie Choice! [8.2]