With its time and reality-bending story-telling revisionism, RE:CALL makes for a unique experience
What can I say, I tend to be a sucker for titles that do things a bit differently. If you find yourself in that camp as well, then you’ll really want to at least give this mix of stealth, adventure action, and choose-your-own-adventure decision-making a look. There’s really nothing quite like it out there, with you quickly being confronted to tell your story and explain yourself, but the twist is that as you relate specifics about what you’ve done you’ll generally go back in time to that moment and effectively act some portion of the story out from there, creating variability not only in the choices you make but perhaps in the decisions (or mistakes) you make while executing the action. Where it gets a bit wild and crazy is that changes or actions you take in the past will then influence the present as well, creating a very unusual mix of adventure, puzzle, and story-telling that stands out nicely from the crowd on the eShop.
Justin Nation, Score:Nindie Choice! [8.0]